Monday, January 25, 2010

One Very Good Assumption..

Ok here we go again.. Just another inconsistency of mine.. I spoke to myself a while ago about always pouring every single piece of mind of mine to a writing in a blog and now, days, weeks and now two months go by without a single blog posting of mine.. a little pathetic, no, a huge, massive amount of patheticiness.. hahaha whatever you’d want to call it, just give it to me, I think I worth it all the worst names you can ever imagine for being a sloth son of a gun.
So, basically today, I’d just want to share a little experience of mine about meeting a long time friend. It was not planned at all by any means, I met her coincidently in a supermarket. So, I went to this local supermarket close to my house, to run errands, and buy a lot of daily supplies of my family. I was the one who went to run the errands because my mother went to overseas and there was no-one but me to run errands because everything was in a low, low supply. So, the housemaid made a list of what to buy for me.
Ok, back to the story, in this trolley/cart I pushed, I put a lot of things that I couldn’t imagine i would end up buying, for instance, flour, rice flour, 2ltr of vegetable oil.. and then suddenly she was on my face, the girl that I haven’t met in  a long time (she was a secondary school friend), and she went shrieking and I was completely embarrassed because I thought everyone was staring at us.. and I told her to keep it down for a sec, and I started to shake her hands but she just went exuberant for meeting me I don’t know why nor do I want to know, all in my head was, gosh, how the hell do I escape this unexpected bizarre scene .. and what I didn’t get was why the hell did she speak so loudly, and I thought to myself, this girl hasn’t changed since highschool at all. I thought by the age 23 or 24 and soon to be 25 we’re getting mature, instead of still being immature lol.
But what really got me is that, she just blatantly giving a statement, that she knew that I was going to be a good husband, and she said she could tell by me running errands for my ‘wife’. I was like, whoa? What the H? she didn’t have any courtesy of asking how I was doing and just right on the spot giving a statement that I’m already married and I’m running an errands for my newlyfound family? Hahahaha…  Well all I could say is that it was a pretty good assumptions of hers, and I was just, hahaha, I was just caught off guard. Simple as that I guess.
But I know there are a lot of messages behind that statement. I know that I am going to the age of 24, still 23 now and I need to start to make a progress now, and to arrange my life from now on, in order not to have myself, by the age of, uh, 58 or something looking back at what should’ve been and what could’ve been. I think its going to start with a little bit more progress of finding a job for me. Sounds like a good plan, huh? Hahahahaha.. but yeah I think for me, myself, it is… but of course everybody is welcome for advises, suggestions, but no critiques.. I hate critiques hahaha.. LOL