Monday, November 16, 2009

Justin Beiber - My World

So it has been awhile since Aaron Carter's innocent pieces like "Crazy Little Party Girl" rocked the charts. Now we have Justin Beiber, a 15-year old Canadian singer, who began his professional music career on YouTube. He was then discovered by Usher, who then soon helped him signed. "My World" is the title of Justin's first album, and so far has been releasing four singles, which all of them went on to Top 40 of Billboard Hot 100 chart. I, personally love and enjoy the album, because basically, it's a true breath of fresh air, having this kind of vocals, among all of we hear in music these days. This album kind of brings me back to my school days because of the fact that they all sound so innocent and happy. I think it's needed for people to hear this kind of record just to have smiles on their faces listening to the lyrics and beats of each of this tracks and sing along with friends. I basically think this is an interesting and enjoyable album. It is definitely a fun album. "One Time" is the first single came out from the album, and I first take a listen to this song back in July, and I thought to myself, this should be a commercially hit single and it did. There's a hip-hop vibe in this song, however it doesn't sound cheap, the song gave Justin's vocals plenty of room to shine as he confidently breaks into the chorus. This song would be a great start for Justin's career. 8,5/10
"One Less Lonely Girl" is the second single from the album, I think Justin selected this track because he wanted to bring it down a little bit, after an uptempo first touch from One Time. However, this track is still enjoyable to listen, and it sounded like the song has a similarity to Chris Brown's  mid-tempo ballad of "With You". This track has something engaging about it, however the lyrics are kind of generic. Last, Justin's smooth delivery is right on point, his tender and innocent vocals blend well with the song's easy-following beat. 8/10
"Love Me" is the third single from the album. I 'smell' something familiar when the song moves toward the chorus, and I got that, this song (particularly in the chorus part) is a little remake from the Cardigan's pop hit from the 90s, Lovefool. "Love me, love me, say that you love me, fool me, fool me, go on and fool me". Hehe. I can't even write anymore review about this track, I'll just sing along with the song and reminding me of the 90s basically hehe.. But it's true, this song's is catchy as-hell. Everybody should take a listen. 9/10
"Favorite Girl" is the fourth single from the album, and like the previous singles, I went on to enjoy it on the first listen. As usual also, catchy songs are just the signature of Justin's pieces and this one doesn't seem to go to a wrong direction. It could potentially be a smash hit song, as the chorus part is engaging and catchy, as well as the bridge part. The song is a true teen song, just like the previous singles, but I really don't mind to play this song over and over again, especially when I'm driving.  9/10 
There are four other songs in the album, "Down To Earth", "Bigger", "First Dance" featuring Usher, and "Common Denominator" as iTunes bonus tracks. Each single brought the whole other different sides of Justin Beiber as a teenage, as well as a shining musician and recording artist, and for sure this album will bring much impact to him professionally. I, see Justin Beiber to have a lot more potential not only to be another teen sensation that gains popularity (which something that very much kids do these days, as far as gaining attention instantly) but also to have a longevity in music industry. By the way, My World is fully recommended.